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Group of people at meeting

About Us

Allsup is the nationwide, premier provider of Social Security disability representation, veterans disability appeal, return to work, and healthcare benefits services supporting individuals, employers and disability organizations. Since opening our doors in 1984, we've helped more than 400,000 people successfully receive SSDI income and Medicare benefits. As a result, Allsup is the Nation's Premier Disability Representation Company®.  

Group of people at meeting

Our Story

Serving people with disabilities nationwide for nearly 40 years, our company has hundreds of professionals dedicated to helping individuals and their families gain the financial and health benefits they deserve.

Allsup headquarters


Our senior executives lead the challenge of creating specialized services and technology to help those with disabilities navigate complex government programs.

Group of people in meeting in office


Allsup offers you the satisfaction of work that makes a difference in people’s lives, the stability of nearly 40 years in business, and career options from entry level to executive.